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Grilled Cast Iron Salami Pizza

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Genoa salami makes this rustic pizza a cultural flavor bomb

Hands on: 10 min

Hands off: 12 min

Serves 2


1 recipe pizza dough

1/2 cup pizza sauce

1/2 cup shredded cheese (Gouda)

Sliced salami (substitute pepperoni or bacon)

10" cast iron skillet


Preheat grill to 425 degrees F. Once preheated, add cast iron skillet to grill, cover, and let preheat for 5 min.

Roll out room-temperature pizza dough on a lightly floured cutting board, into roughly the size and shape of the pan.

Place dough in preheated pan and spread the edges to cover the bottom surface. Poke holes in the dough with a fork to allow air to escape. Pre-bake crust for 2 min on uncovered grill while preparing the toppings.

Cover pre-bake pizza dough with sauce, spreading evenly, and top with shredded cheese and salami. Cover grill and let cook for 12-15 min, or until cheese is golden brown.


1 Comment

Lory Darnell-Gustafson
Lory Darnell-Gustafson
Apr 22, 2022

I guess some lucky couple got to eat those. Fantastic looking!

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