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Cucumber Lime Infused Gin


Life is good. Gin and bear it.

Hands on: 15 min

Hands off: 24+ hrs (see tip at bottom for faster time)


750 ml classic gin

2 medium cucumbers, peeled

1 lime

2-3 sprigs fresh mint

2-3 sprigs fresh rosemary (optional)


Peel cucumbers, halve at the middles and cut each half into four equal spears.

Cut lime into six equal wedges.

In a glass infusion bottle or jar, combine gin, cucumber spears, lime wedges, mint and rosemary. Refrigerate for at least 24 hrs or up to three days.

Strain and enjoy!

Tip: If you're running short on time, you can accelerate the infusion with a sous vide method. I partially submerge the glass bottle in a pot of water over low heat for two hours, keeping bottle as far away from the burner as possible. Ensure the water is not too hot and stays around 125-150 degrees to best preserve flavors. Let cool to room temperature and chill.

2 commentaires

Jan Edward Gustafson
Jan Edward Gustafson
10 mai 2021

I am be - gin - inning to be a fan sir.


Sebastian Kastberg
Sebastian Kastberg
07 mai 2021

My life has changed for the better because of this infusion. I cannot stop making it


© 2021 by Sven

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