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  • sven

Half Sour Pickles

Updated: Aug 17, 2021

Just like grandmother used to make in Radiator Springs

Hands on: 10 min

Hands off: 4-5 days

Makes four 12 oz mason jars of pickles


2 medium cucumbers

4 cloves garlic, crushed

4 sprigs fresh dill

1 cup hot water

1 cup normal water

2 tbsp sea salt

1 tsp hot pepper flakes

(other spices as desired)


Cut cucumbers into desired pickle shape (spears, chips). Layer in jars along with crushed garlic, herbs and spices.

Boil 1 cup water. Add 2 tbsp sea salt and stir to dissolve and create brine. Add 1 additional cup water.

Fill jars with warm brine, ensuring everything is fully submerged. Leave 1/2" headspace in jars as overrun can be natural result of fermentation process. Screw lids on without overtightening, leaving slight play for air to escape.

Place jars in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Age for 4-5 days, or until taste is satisfactory.

Once desired taste is achieved, tighten lids and refrigerate to stop fermentation. Keeps two months refrigerated.

Tip: If liquid level drops through evaporation, add additional water.

1 Comment

Donna's Cortez
Donna's Cortez
Jul 16, 2021

The first thing I remember "canning" as a girl was pickles! Yours look beautiful!

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