So simple to make on a charcoal smoker - wet it, set it and forget it for a mouthwatering outdoor meal.

Prep time: 10-12 hrs
Hands off: 8+ hrs
1 pork shoulder
1 cup wood chips (hickory for smokier, apple for sweeter)
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/2 bottle beer
6 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp cumin
2 tbsp chili powder
2 tbsp paprika
1/2 tbsp crushed black pepper
Fresh oregano and thyme (optional)
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 beer
1 tsp red pepper flakes

Fork-tender pork can be pulled apart for sandwiches or topping
Combine marinade ingredients with pork shoulder in large ziplock bag and shake to coat meat evenly. Refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight.
After marinating, soak wood chips in water for at least 1 hr. Preheat smoker until it holds a consistent 225 degrees F.
While smoker is preheating, remove pork shoulder from refrigerator and pat dry. Coat evenly with rub, ensuring all surfaces are covered. Let sit at room temp.
Once smoker has reached temp, place shoulder fat side down on smoker grate. Cover and smoke 1 hr. Spray or spoon baste over surface of meat, ensuring light even coating.
Cover and continue smoking for 1 1/2 hrs/lb, basting every hour. If desired, coat with barbecue sauce in last hour.
Remove pork from smoker, wrap in butcher’s paper and then with a towel.
The final set is crucial: Wrap finished pork in butcher's paper or tinfoil and a towel and sit at room temp for 1 hr to allow for settling and redistribution of moisture before pulling with forks or claws.
Enjoy the smoke, my friends.