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Spinach Soufflé

Updated: May 6, 2021

It's a gourmet substitute for those frozen dinners we love so much but won't mention in type. Better fit for a bed & breakfast.

Enjoy with taste.

Makes 3 soufflés in muffin pan

Hands on: 15 min

Hands off: 35 min


1 egg

1/4 cup milk

1/4 small onion, finely diced

1/4 clove garlic, finely minced (or dust of powder)

1/2 cup shredded spinach (frozen works)

2 tbsp shredded cheese (used Gouda)

1 tsp flour

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp Worcestershire

1/2 tsp olive oil

Pinch salt

Pinch pepper

Optional additions: a pinch of bacon dust, sausage bits or prosciutto can bring elevation to each bite. Mix in before baking.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Whisk together milk, flour and egg in small bowl until well combined, about 2 minutes.

Add other ingredients to bowl and stir to combine.

Pour into muffin cups. Bake 35 minutes.

1 Comment

Jan Edward Gustafson
Jan Edward Gustafson
May 10, 2021

Come sou-fly with me.

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